At a Councill held at the port of Annapolis the 10th day of
March 1697/8
Colonel Henry Jowles Colonel George Robotham and
Thomas Tench Esqr
This being the day to which the Assembly was ffurther
prorogued the seVall members come to Towne & not yett
sworne came (Vizt) Major Thomas Smithson, Mr Edward
Loydd,Mr William Hemsley & Mr Richd Tilghman Mr Edward
Loydd Delegates by Indenture returned for Tallbott County;
Major Thomas Smith, Mr Simon Wilmer & Mr Michael Miller;
for Kent County Lieutent Col: John Thompson; Mr William
p. 5
Harris, Mr Hans Hanson & Mr John Carvile, for Cecill
County as also Mr John fferry for Baltemore County to whom
the Comission was read for swearing them; and they had
sevrally administred unto them by Gentlemen of the Councill
p'sent the Oaths appointed by Act of parliament to be taken
insteade of the Oathes of Allegiance & Likewise Subscribe to
the Test.
His Excy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr his Majtys Capt Genll and
Chiefe Govr of this province being att hand attended with the
honble Colonel John Addison and Thomas Brooke Esqr came
Into Councill and the members being all repaired to the house
had Leave given them to choose a Speaker, Who after some
shortt tyme Came and prsented Major Thomas Smithson for
their Speaker, Who humbly Excused himselfe by reason of
Sickness & other disabilitys To whom his Excy by Answer,
Returned, that tho he might take him att his word yett having
considered that seing the house had made Choice of him to
serve in that Station; he would not excuse him, Whereupon
Mr Speaker, craved the Liberty, he might att all tymes
have ffreedome of speech & access to his pson, and was told
he might expect the same allways propper & convenient.
Afterwards his Excy was pleased to express himselfe in
these following words.
Honble Gentlemen.
God Allmighty having been pleased by his Majtys inimitable
Valour and conduct to restore an honourable peace to his owne
Kingdomes and Dominions as well as to his confederates.
I thinke we are in all duty bound to keepe as Solemne a Day
of thanksgiving in this his Majtys province as we are Capable
of concerning which I do not in the Least doubt, but you
agree with me; as also in Signing a most dutyful & Loyall
address to his most Sacred Majty upon this Occasion, and I
Judge this a propper tyme to have read to you their Excys the
Lords Justices, Proclamation for publishing the peace between