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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 498   View pdf image (33K)
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498 Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699.

Lib. L. L.

back or unaccounted for to be Applyed for the uses aforesaid
and to be recovered as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Publication
hereof all Masters of Ships or other Vessells that shall either
by Land or Water Importe any Rume or Wine into this Pro-
vince shall pay unto the Navall Officer aforesaid where they
make their Entry the sufne of three pence p Gallon for every
Gallon of Rum or Wine So Imported into this Province as afd
to be Applyed to the uses aforesaid Liquors from England
allways Excepted And be it further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid That
all Ships or other Vessells which have been built in this Pro-
vince or hereafter shall be built as afd which are Solely and
Wholy belonging to the Inhabitants thereof shall be wholy
Exempted and Acquitted from Paying the Imposition of three

p. 235

pence p Gallon afd And be it further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That no Rum or Wine upon which the Dutys afore-
said are Assessed shall be Landed or put on shore out of any
Ship or other Vessell which shall Importe the Same or any
other without due Entry thereof Made with the Officer hereby
Appointed (upon Oath of the Said Person or Persons Import-
ing into this Province any of the aforesaid Liquors) for Col-
lecting of the Same in the Porte or Place where Such Liquors
shall happen to be Imported as aforesaid or before the Duty
due and payable for the same be Satisfyed or Secured to be
Satisfyed and a Warrant for the Landing thereof be Signed
by the Officer for that purpose appointed upon Pain and Perill
that all Such liquors Landed and put on shore Contrary to
the true Intent and meaning of this Act shall be forfeited and
Lost or the full Value thereof one halfe to be Appropriated
towards the defraying of the publick leavy of this Province
and the other halfe to the Informer or him or them that shall
sue for the Same to be recovered in his Matys name in any of
his Matys Courts of Record within this Province by Action of
Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoyne Protec-
tion or Wager of Law to be Allowed And for the better
Encouragement of all Masters Merchants Owners and other
persons whatsoever to make due Entrys and payment of the
Dutys Rates & Imposts raised by this Act in Consideration
of Leakage and other Damages the Officer is hereby Author-
ized and Impowered to make Allowance and Abatement of
Twenty Gallons in every hundred Gallons of all Such Liquors
So to be duly Entred as aforesaid and the said Officers hereby
Appointed for Collecting and Gathering the Dutys aforesd shall

p. 236

and are hereby Impowered upon any Suspition of fraud or de-
ceipt by any Importer Owner or Proprietor of any such Liquors
in Concealing and not makeing due Entry of the Same to go and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 498   View pdf image (33K)
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