48 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 8, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698.
2. as to Bonds suing it is agreed that an Exception be agt
such ships as go away without Clearing or the mastrs of Ships
passing such bonds non Complyance wth the Lawes of the
Country &c.
3. About the Justices being impowered to give Judgment
who shall pay the Clk. of the Indictmts ffee. It is not agreed
to but do think that Clause ought to be wholly left out.
p. 73
4. Ab' bonds and Recognizances for persons apperance &c:
do find that the said Matter is Sufficiently Explaind and no
wayes intended by the sd Act.
The above reports is approved of in Councill and the said
Bill will pass wth the amendmts made accordingly.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Major Hutchison
and five other membrs the following bills who presented Major
Thomas Ennals one of the delegates of Dorchester County to
be sworne. Who accordingly took the Oaths and Subscribed
the Test Came from the house of Delegates Mr Harris Major
Hammond Mr Taylard and Captn Hill who say they were
appointed by the house to joyne wth some of the members of
this board to Veiwe the records.
The honble Sr Thomas Lawrence Colonel Robotham & Esqr
Frisby are ordred to joyne with them therein.
The bill for Rectifieing the ill practices of attorneys wthin
this province being read the second time and found to
be amended is passed; a proclamation for a day of publick
Thanksgiveing as also another proclamation prohibitting
Romish Priests &c: from drawing ovr his Majties Subjects in
this Governmt to the Romish faith being prepared according
to ordr was read and sent downe to the house of Delegates
for their approbation wch were returned back from the house
approved of and then were Signed by his Excy and passed the
broade Seale.
Ordered that the Sherriffe publish them to morrow morn-
ing at the State house by Beate of Drum.
p. 72
Ordred that it be refered to the Kings Lawyers to draw
such a forme of a bond for the Country dues as may be Suffi-
cient to Compell all Mars of Ships fully to Comply wth the Act
when passed, wch form the Severall officers taking such bonds
are to observe and follow.
A Reviveing Bill produced and read the first tyme It is
remarked that the Act for Speedy Justice and Encouragmt of
Trade is left out of the reviveing bill but it is thought by this
board to be a very good and beneficiall law to the Country
and as essentiall as any othr in this Governmt therefor do
recofnend the same may be revived.
The Act relateing to Negroes & Slaves made in the year
1692 is left out.