As to the proposall for an ordinance to be made agt psons
that Intice people out of the province put to the Question if
any such ordinance shall be made or not and Carried in the
negative nemine Contradicente This house apprehending
that by such ordinance people may be unawares insnared in
their words.
As to Recomendation abt aggreiveances This house do
Conceive that if his Excy will not redress our aggreiveances in
the way represented he denyes us Right and will not redress
them at all.
Also the Articles of the Comittees Report abt Indians being
unanswerred the following message was sent from the
house of Delegates vizt
This house have perused the severall proceedings as well
of the Comittee appointed to Considr of Indian affairs, as also
their owne proceedings Votes Resolves & Messages thereon
and do not find but that they have made full and Sufficient
answers thereto, therefor do not hold themselves in duty
oblidged to make any further answer and desire they may be
no more pressed therein And that his Excy would be pleased
to put a Speedy End to this Sessions. Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Cl. Dom. Del.
Where upon the following Message sent vizt
By his Excy the Govr & Council! in Assembly
March the 30th 1698.
In Reply to the answer of the house this day received in