Ordrd that Mr Robert Grundy be brought againe into this
house who Enters Resolved that Mr Robert Grundy high
Sherif of Talbot County be fined for his neglect & not make-
ing a due returne of the Election of Mr Nicholas Lowe the
sume of Two Thousand pounds of Tobacco and that he take
the same writt and have it Signed by his Excy the Govr and
make another Election Read the Petition of Mr Wm Dent.
The Honble Tho: Tench and Ion Addisson Esqr Enter the
house and Prsent the following Message.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Iuly 12th 1699:
It falling under the Consideration of this Board the great
advantage that has been made by the Genll Assembly of this
Province in the Religious worship of Allmighty God & that
this Place is become the Seat of Governmt &c wch thereby re-