At a Councill held at the port & Towne of Annapolis In
Ann Arundell County the 23d day of ffebruary 1698 the Tenth
Yeare of his Majtyes Raigne &ca
Sr Thomas Laurence Barrt Secry
Colonel Henry Jowles
Edward Randolph Esqr
This day by his Matys Writt of Election or Summons being
appointed for the meeting of the Genll Assembly of this
Province pursuant thereto appeared att the Councill Boarde,
these ffollowing Delegates by Indenture Returned for St
Marys, Ann Arundel prince Georges, and Calvert Countys,
(Vizt ) Mr Jacob Moreland, Major John Hammond, Mr James
Saunders, Mr Samuel Yo[ung] Major Walter Smith, Mr Elisha
Hall, Mr Wm Hutchyson Mr John Wight Coll Ninian Beale
and Major William Barton to whom by Virtue of his Majtys
Writt of dedimus potestatem directed to the aforesaid Gentle-
men of his Majtys honble Councill then prsent were administered
the Oaths appointed by Act of parliament to be taken in steade
of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy att which they tooke
as Likewise Mr William Bladen Clarke of the said house of
Delegates and and at the same tyme the said Members &
Clarke Subscribed the Test.
After which was produced & read his Majtys Writt of pro-
rogation In these words Vizt :
Maryland ss:
William the Third by the Grace of God of England, Scot-
land, ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith &ca To
the members of our privy Councill & house of Delegates for
this our province of Maryland, Greeting, Whereas by our
Certain Writt of Election issued, directed, and sent unto the
Sevrall Sheriffs of our said province bearing date the Eleventh
day of January Last past thereby Impowering them to call
together four or more Commissiors of their Respective Countys
with their Clke to [sit] as a Court and during their sitting (by
Virtue of their to make or Cause to be made publicke
proclamation thereby giving notice to all the ffreemen of their
p. 1