Genll Assembly should impose upon him for his not Carrying
on Compleating and finishing the sd Church Provided he
might be Discharged from further prosecuting the building of
the said Church wherevpon this house have resolved that the
said Majr Edward Dorsey shall refund to this province all
the money by him received on accott of building the said
Church and that he in Consideration of his failure in not
Complying wth his Contract and agreemt made for the finish-
ing of the said Church be fined the Sume of Two hundred
pounds Sterling and Surrender what work is by him Done
towards the foundation of the said Church and the sd Majr
Dorsey be Disengaged from the building of the sd Church
and that Mr Tho: ffielder and Mr Henry Croffts be Disengaged
from that part of their Agreemt made wth the said Edward
Dorsey in relation to the said Church if yor Excy and his
Majtys Honble Covncill shall be pleased to Concurr therewith
Signed p Ords
Chr Gregory Clk house Dell:
Ordrd that Majr Tho: Smith and Mr Thomas Hicks Carry
the said Message who returne and say they have Deliverd the
The Honble Charles Hutchins and Robt Smith Esqr Enter
the house and prsent the following message.
By his Excy the Govr and Council in Assembly
Iuly 6th 1699.
Herewith is sent you Mr Isaac Millers Lettr about Armes
and amunition as Likewise the Accot of what has Come in
sence his Excys arrivall here and it is referrd to yor Consider-
ation to advise and give yor opinions how the said Armes and
Amunition should be Distributed and Disposed of. And
whereas there are three hundred and odd Quarter Barrells of
Gun Powder come in this yeare wch is thought too great a
Quantity and may be in Danger of being Spoyled and Dam-
nifyed before it be made Use of whither it may not be Con-
venient that about ffifty barrells of the said powder should be