And further the said Comittee Doe say that they Cannot
proceed any further in the said affaire relateing to the Indians
vntill the Returne of the said Messengers.
Signed p Ordr
C Lomax Clk Com.
By the house of Delegates Iuly 5th 1699.
This house Concurr wth the opinion of the said Comittee &
ordrd tht Majr Iames Smalwood and Mr Wm Hutchinsson be
Dispatched if yor Excy and Councill shall approve thereof.
Ordrd Majr Smallwood & Mr Hutchisson Carry the said
Message who returne and say they dd there Message
The Honble Coll. Charles Hutchins & ffrancis Ienkins Esqr
Enterd the house and prsent the following Message
By his Excy the Govr and Covncill in Assembly
Iuly 5th 1699.
This board doe agree wth the opinion of the house that the
said Leivt Coll. Smalwood & Mr Hutchinsson be Dispatched
away to the Indians
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Councill.
Eodem Die the house Mett againe and were Called over
and adjourned till to Morrow Morning six of Clock.
Die Iovis Iuly 6th 1699.
The house againe Mett and were Called over
Ordrd that Mr Wm Harris Mr Ion Leech and Mr Wm Taylard
be appoynted a Comittee to Consider of the Elections &
Priviledges of the Members Newly chosen to serve in this
house who goe out to Consider thereon.
Proposed that forasmuch as in the acct of Majr Wm Whit-
tington when he was Treasurer of the Easterne Shore there
was a mistake for that he had paid to the Publick a Certain