Resolved that the sd Majr Edward Dorsey be sent for &
Demanded if he will Submitt to the Genll Assembly and to
such fine as they shall think Convenient or not
Ordrd that Majr Tho. Smith Coll Ion Thompson Mr Samll
Young Capt Philip Hoskins Mr Iames Smalwood Coll: Ninian
Beale & Mr Wm Hutchinson be appoynted a Comittee to
Conferr wth his Majties Honble Councill in relation to the
Indian affaires.
By the house of Delegates Iuly 4th 1699.
This house have appoynted Majr Tho: Smith Coll: Iohn
Thompson Mr Samll Young Capt Philip Hoskins Mr Iames
Smalwood Coll Ninion Beale and Mr Wm Hutchinson to Ioyne
in Conferrence wth his Majties Honble Covncill in relation to
the Affaire concerning the Indians and to Attend them at such
time & place as they shall appoynt
Signed p Ordr
Chr Gregory Clk house Dell.
Ordrd that the psons nominated in the sd Message Carry
the same to his Excy and Councill.
The house Adjournes Till Morrow Morning six of Clock,
Dies Mercurii Iuly 5th 1699.
The house mett againe and were psent as yesterday
Read over what was done Yesterday and on Monday
The Comittee appoynted to Consider of the Indian Affaire
Enter the house and Report as followes.
By the Comittee appoynted to Confferr wth some of his
Majties Honble Councill of the affaires relateing to the Indians
&c Iuly 5th 1699.
The Comittee having taken into their Serious Consideration
the affaires relateing to the Indians they think it necessary &
Convenient that Majr Iames Smallwood and Mr Wm Hutchisson
be dispatcht wth all Convenient Speed to goe to the Pawmunkye
Indians that are lately come in from the Pisscatway Indians