draw the Same out of the publick Treasury and that the Treas-
urers shall Answer the Same
Signed p Order
Chr. Gregory Cl. house Del.
By the Councill in Assembly
Iuly the 22d 1699
In reguard it is ordained by the Assembly that the Chan-
cellor keeper of the great Seal for the time being shall have
such reward for the Transcribeing every body of Laws for the
use of the County Courts as the Assembly in which such Laws
are made shall Appoint it is recomended to you to propound
what shall be Allowed for the prsent Body of Laws and you
desired to Consider the Bulk of these and to proportion the
Allowance Accordingly
Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl Condi.
By the house of Delegates Iuly the 22d 1699
The Message by the honble Col Charles Hutchins and M
Francis Ienkins in relation to the Transcribeing the prsent
body of Laws for the use of the County Courts It is humbly
proposed to allow for the writeing of the Copys for the sev-
erallCountys and such Copys as your Excy shall send for Eng-
land the Sume of one hundred and Twenty pounds sterl to be
paid out of the publick Treasury.
Signed p Order
Chr. Gregory Cl house Del.
Endorsed thus, Assented to by the Councill
W Bladen Cl Concil.
The Iournal of the Comittee of Accts Assented to and Sent
to the house by Majr John Hamond and Francis Ienkins Esqr
with the following Message