agrees with the former Act touching this Matter with which
Alteracons the said Bill will pass.
Came by Mr Iacob Lockerman and Mr George Ashman the
following Answer Vizt
By the house of Delegates Iuly the 15th 1699.
This house have recd a Bill for Appeals and Regulateing
Writts of Error Endorsed that it will pass with the Alteracons
proposed and as to the first Article this house have Consented
to the Amendmt And humbly Conceive the limittacon being
one hundred pounds Sterl or 20000ls Tobbo to be According
to yor Excys Comission, But if your Excy and the honble Coun-
cill shall be pleased to Consent to limitting of it to a less
Sume as pposed this house will be willing to Concurr there-
with and would be more to our Satisfaction
Signed p Order
Chr. Gregory Cl house Del.
The following Message sent from the house by Mr Iames
Sanders and Dr Iacob Lockerman Vizt
By the house of Delegates Iuly the 15th 1699