be discharged from further prosecuteing the building of the
said Church Whereupon this house have resolved that the sd
Majr Edward Dorsey shall refund to this province all the
money by him recd on Acct of building the sd Church and that
he in Consideration of his failure in Complying with his Con-
tract and Agreemt made for the finishing the said Church be
fined the Sufne of Two hundred pd Sterl and Surrender what
work is by him due towards the foundation of the said Church
and that the sd Majr Edwd Dorsey be discharged from the
building of the said Church and that Mr Thomas Fielder and
Mr Henry Crofts be disengaged from that part of the Agreemt
made with the said Dorsey in relation to the sd Church if yor
Excy and his Matys honble Councill shall be pleased to Concurr
Signed p Order
C Gregory Cl house Del.
Whereto the following Answer was Sent to the house
By his Excy the Governor and Councill Iuly the 6th 1699
His Excy and this Board Concurr with the houses resolves
therein onely as to the fine it is referred to the Consideration
of the house Whether it shall be Two hundred pounds Sterl
or any thing less as they think Convenient
Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl. Concil.
Then Came from the house Majr Thomas Smith Col Thomp-
son, Mr Smith, Mr Willm Harris, Capt Philip Hoskins and Mr
Sanders and brought the following Message vizt
By the house of Delegates Iuly the 6th 1699.
The message by the honble Col Henry Iowles and Thomas
Tench Esqr was here recd and read And this house humbly
prays that your Excy will be pleased to appoint some of the
Gentn of his Matys honble Councill to Ioyne in Conferrence
with some of the members of this house to Consider whether
it be necessary to Compose any Law to regulate the Chancery