Col Henry Iowles and Robert Smith Esqr are appointed to
Joine with the members of the house Appointed of a Comittee
to Consider whether it be necessary to Compose a Law to
regulate the Chancery proceedings.
The Board Adjourned till 8 of the Clock to morrow Morning
Iuly the 7th 1699.
The Councill Sate, present as yesterday.
Thomas Tasker Esqr is sent By the Board to the house to
have Some of the members Come up to see the Treasurers
and Navall Officers sworne to their Accompts.
Doctr Iacob Lockerman and Mr Samuel Young Come from
the house to see them sworne.
And it being moved by a member of this Board tht Mr
Robert Masons Suspension be taken off, and tht he be read-
mitted to officiate as publick Treasurer of the Western Shoar
being thought well qualifyed for that Trust which Sd Sus-
pencon was accordingly taken off.
Mr George Plater, Mr Willm Dent Mr George Muschamp,
Mr W Bladen and Mr Thomas Collier do severally make Oaths
to theire Navall Officers Accompts.
Then Came Mr Campbell and Mr Lane from the house with
the following Message Vizt