that all Laws now in force be revised and Considered and if
there be any thing either in the matter or Stile of them which
be retrenched or altered to reprsent the same unto his Maty
wth your opinion touching the same Laws now in force, where-
of you are to send a Compleat body unto his Maty and to the
Comrs for Trade and plantacons aforesaid with such Altera-
tions as you shall think requisite to the End his Matys appro-
bation or disallowance may be Signified thereupon.
3. And you are to permitt a Liberty of Conscience to all
psons so they be Contented with a quiett and peaceable En-
joymt of it not giveing offence or Scandall to the Governmt
4. You are not to pass any Act or Order within his Matys
said province in any Case for leavying money and inflicting
fynes and penaltys whereby the same shall not be reserved to
his Maty for the publick uses, as by the said Act or Order
shall be directed
5 And his Matys further will and pleasure is that you
recomend to the next Genll Assembly the raising of such other
Supplyes from time to time as may be Sufficient for the defray-
ing the other necessary Charges of that Governmt
His Matys Express will and pleasure is that all Laws what-
soever for the Good Governmt and Supporte of his said pro-
vince be made indefinite and without Limitation of time
Except the same be for a Temporary and which shall Expire
and have its full Effect within a Certein time.
And therefore you shall not Reenact any Law which shall
have been once Enacted by you Except upon very urgent
Occasions but in no Case more then once without his Matys
6. And that God Allmighty may be the more inclined to
bestow his blessing upon his Maty and you in the welfare and
Improvemt of that province you shall take Especiall Care that
he be devoutly and duely served within your Governmt the
Book of Comon prayer as is now Established read each Sun-
day and Holy day and the blessed Sacrament Administred
according to the Rights of the Church of England you shall