Maryland ss
Att a Councill in Assembly held att the Town and Porte of
Anapolis the 29th day of Iune in the Eleventh year of the
reigne of our Souereigne Lord King William the third by the
Grace of God of England Scottland ffrance and Ireland De-
fender of the ffaith &c Anoq Dni 1699
His Excy Nathaniel Blakiston Esqr Capt Genll and Govr
in Chief in and over this his Matys province.
Col Henry Iowles
Thomas Tench Esqr
Col Iohn Courts
Thomas Brook Esqr
Iames Frisby Esqr
Majr Iohn Hammond
Thomas Tasker Esqr
The Honble Thomas Brooks Esqr took the Oaths appointed
by Act of parliamt to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegi-
ance and Supremacy and Subscribed the Test and Association.
Then was read these his Matys Royall Instructions to his
Excy as followeth (Vizt)
You shall Administer or Cause to be Administred the oaths
appointed by Act of parliamt to be taken instead of the Oaths
of Allegiance and Supremacy as also the Test unto the mem-
bers and officers of his Matys said Councill and of the Assem-
blys and to all Iudges and Justices and all other persons that
hold any office or place of Trust and profitt in the said pro-
vince whether by Virtue of any p[atent] under the great