ingly that when any Capt or Comander of any of the ships of
Warr in any of the said plantations shall have Occasion for
seamen to serve on Board the Ships under their Comand they
make their applications to the Governor and Comandr in Chief
of the plantations respectively To whom as Vice Admiralls his
Maty has pleased to Comitt the Sole power of Impressing
Seamen in any of his plantations in America or in Sight of
any of them you are therefore hereby required upon such
Application made to you by any of the Comanders of his
Matys said ships of Warr within the aforesaid province of
Maryland and your Governmt to take Care that the said ships
of Warr be furnished with the numbers of Seamen that may
be necessary for any his Matys Service on board them from
time to time.
8 And for the greater Security for that province you axe
to Appoint fitt officers and Comanders in the severall parts of
the Country bordering upon the Indians who upon any Inva-
sion may raise men and Arms to oppose them untill they shall
receive theire directions therein.
9. You shall Cause a Survey to be taken of all the Con-
siderable Landing places and harbours in the said province
and with the advice of his Matys Councill there Erect in any
of them such fortifications as shall be necessary for the security
and advantage of that province which shall be done att the
publick Charge of the Country not doubting of the Chearfull
Concurrance of the Inhabitants thereunto for the Comon
security and benefitt they will receive thereby.
You shall likewise soon after yor Entrance upon that Gov-
ernmt of his Matys said province send an Acct to his Maty and
to the Comrs of Trade and plantations of the prsent number of
planters and Inhabitants men women and Children as well
Masters as Serv's ffree and unfree and of the slaves in every
respective Countys or Districts of the said province as also a
yearly Acct of the increase and decrease of them and how
many of them are fitt or obliged to bear Arms in the respec-
tive Counties or Districts aforesaid
You shall likewise take Care that a genll survey be made of