Ordered that Collo Iohn Thompson, Major Thomas Smith
and Mr Ino Terry Carry the foilo Message to his Excellency
the Govr and Councill.
By the house Delegates the 12th NovI 1698
Ordered that the Treasr of the Easterne Shore pay unto the
Severall psons on the Easterne Shore the Severall sumes of
money now Due and allowed them in a certaine list signed by
his Excellency the Govr and the honble Speaker, and that the
Comittee for Inspecting the publick revenue give notice to
the Severall psons Living on the Westerne Shore the severall
sumes menconed in said list where and in such hands as they
shall find the publick money to be.
The honble Collo Henry Iowles Collo Ino Addison and
Thomas Brookes Esqr enter the house and prsent the follow-
ing Message.
What you mencon in your address concerning his Matys
haveing been Graciously pleased to remove me to the Gov-
ernmt of Virga I am In duty and all humble Gratitude obliged
to own as a singular marke of his Royall favour and Bounty
Towards me, and I hope that God Allmighty will enable me
to discharge that Great Trust for his Glory his Majtis Service
and Intr and the Good of his Inhabitants of his ancient Do-
minions, all which according to my duty I have Endeavoured
to pforme ever since I have had the honr to serve his most
sacred Majty in this his province of Maryland and I shall be glad
upon all occasions to doe his Matys Loyall and Dutifull
Subjects, but pticularly those whom I have ever found soe and
are of the Church of England as by Law Established any act
of Friendshipp or Service according to my power and ability.