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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 230   View pdf image (33K)
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230 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698.

L. H. J.

The honble Collo Henry Jowles and Thomas Brookes Esqr
Enter the house and deliver the following message (vizt)

By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Octo'the 31st 1698.

Proposed that the house give in charge to the Comittee for
Stateing and Examining the accos that they pticularly examine
and state the Qr part of 12d p hhd given by his most Sacred
Majty for the Supplying the Country with Arms and Amunicon
that it may appear what hath arisen thereon since his Excys
Accession to this Government and how it hath been disposed.
And that the house would also give their opinion and advice
how the arms and powder sent for shall be disposed it being
by his Excy and this board conceived the safest and the best
way to have it distributed as formerly to the Severall Countys
for these reasons.
1. If they be in one Magazine they are liable to be blowne
up as the accident of the chancellrs house at St Mary's and the
late Instance in Virginia.
2. That they are liable to be seized by an Enemy or upon
an Insurrection.
3. It will putt the Country to great charge and trouble
upon any suddaine occasion to Distribute them.
Signed by Order
Wm Bladen Ck: Councill

By the house of Delegates Novr the Ist 1698.

The message by the honble Collo Henry Iowles and Tho:
Brookes Esq. this house have considered and concurr with
your Excy and the Councills proposalls therein.
Signed by order
Cha Gregory Cl: house of Delegates

Ordered that Mr Thomas Hicks, Mr John Bozman Mr Samll
Collins, Major Iames Smallwood, Major Iohn Lowe and Mr
Henry Hawkins carry the said Message together with two
bills this day read and Mr Sharpes peticon to his Excy and
Councill. Mr Beards acco for men and horses by him sent on
Errands upon acco of the publicke referred by the comittee of
acco to this house
Ordered that the said comittee make him allowance for the
reasonable time for those Journeys (considering the distance)
when he shews them upon what occasions they were sent and
by what authority.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 230   View pdf image (33K)
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