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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698. 229

the Sherrife to run out such quantity of Land according to
Law for purchaseing Towne Land directs.
And as to anothor part of the said Mr Keeches Lre relateing
to the carrying away freemen and Servts &c out of this pro-
This house say that there are already Laws in this province
for prevention thereof
Moved by a member of this house on behalfe of the Car-
penter Imployed on the publick buildings to consider ot what
Timber to make the roofe for the church.
Ordered that his Excy be acquainted with the mocon and
desired to appoint some of his Majties honble Councill to Joyne
with some of the members of this house to consider thereof
The house adjourns till one of Clock.
Eod: die. The house mett againe, were absent as before
Capt Waughop.
Moved by a member of this house whether it might not be
of more advantage to the Country to allow the Sherrife of
each County one thousand pounds of Tobacco p annum to
defray the charge of packetts and Expresses that shall come
to their hands to be Expedited and that no other allowances
hereafter be made for carrying any such Expresses or packetts
Resolved that a Bill be prepared therefore Moved by a
member of this house, if it be not necessary, an act may be
made to Impower the vestrymen of each parish to assess the
parishoners for the repareing of churches, Entitled an Act
for the service of Almighty God and Establishment of the
Christian Religion, for a severe fyne if they do not provide a
Register Booke for the said vestry, but no provision made in
the sd act how it shall be paid for, and another Clause which
gives to the minister after the churches are built the whole 40
p pole but no provision made for the repairing of the churches
Resolved that a Bill be prepared Empowering the vestry-
men and church wardens together with six more of the parish-
oners of each parish when as often as necessity shall require
itt to levy on the parishoners of such parish a certayne sum of
Tobacco not exceeding ten pounds of Tobacco p pole for
repairing of the Severall churches within this province.

L. II. J.

Ordered that Mr Edwd Lloyd prepare the said Bill and
bring it in to morrow morning.
Danll Cannons peticon read praying an allowance for his
attendance on this house as Serjeant Attendant.
Put to the Vote if he shall be allowed 1200lb Tobacco or
1600lb Tobacco Voted that he be allowed 1600 to be allowed
in Ann Arundell County.

p. 242

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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