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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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228 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698.

L. H. J.

Sherriffs returns do not answer the orders by his Excy to them

What these Orders were we know not, therefore cannot
give any opinion therein.
11. As to that paragraph concerning the Assemblyes
address to his Majty for the remission of forfeited Bonds &c.
Wee find not only forwarded but seconded by his Excy on
our behalfes.
Ordered that the thanks of this house be returned to his
Excy for the same.
12. As to that part relating to Large Tracts of Land &c.
This house does desire his Excy to acquaint his Lordshp: the
Lord Baltemore Agents therewith in order to regulate that ill
13. As to an Act of Generall pardon.
This house is not conscious to themselves that this Province
Labours under any Guilt and therefore humbly conceive that
they have no need of such pardon.
14. Paragraph relating to two condemned women, we are
of opinion has no relacon to this house.
15. That part of the Letter concerning Mr Wm Dents peti-
tion for Solr Generalls office we humbly conceive only relates
to his Excy
16. As to addresses and associacons. We are of opinion
requires no remark.
17. As to peticons, addresses and Letters having Large
margents. We conceive it necessary that they have Large
margents as required.
This comittee having Inspected another Letter from the
Lords Comrs for Trade &c dated the 21st of March 1697/8
relating to privateers &c
Is answered in the 9th paragraph of the former. This
Comittee haveing likewise Inspected a Letter from the Lords
Comrs for Trade &c. relateing to agents the same was put to
the vote if this province shall maintaine an agent in England
or not.
And carried by the majority of voices not to maintaine any

p. 241

Likewise this Comittee have Inspected a Letter from Mr
James Keech to his Excy dated the 16th of October Importing
the purchase of Lands at Coole Springs.
Ordered that this comittee prepare a bill to Enable some fitt
persons to purchase 50 acres of Land for the use of the Coole
Springs and of the ptye or ptyes, owner or owners thereof
shall refuse to such Quantity at reasonable rates to Impower

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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