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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698. 227

1. As to the first part of what we find particularly directed
to his Excy and referrs to another Letter from his Majty dated
the 27th of Aprill 1697.
2. As to the second paragraph in the said Letter which
mentions an address from the Assembly that the Estate of
Coll: Copley might make good the 4th part of the Revenue
according to his Majtys orders for Stores.
3. This house does not thinke it worth while to looke
after it.
3 Concerning Stores and Magazines which his Majty
requires an acct of this house humbly desires his Excy whome
this house humbly conceive has the rec' from the Severall
officers, for all such armes and amunitions that he will be
pleased to answer the same.
4. As to the paragraph relating to money given to publick
uses an accs whereof is also required.
Ordered that the same be referred to the comittee Espe-
cially appointed to examine the said accs to answer.
5. As to that paragraph relating to the Quota of Men,
We do understand that since his Majties orders therein men-
tioned the happy peace is concluded by which we hope we
may be excuse by an address of his Majty for that purpose
together with our apoligies formerly made.
6. As to the paragraph in the said Letter relating to the
Boundaryes of Maryland.
Whereas in our addresses to their Lpd's the Lords of the
Comittee of Trade and plantations we did desire that the said
Ld proprietary the Lord Baltemore might be heard therein,

L. H. J.

but not finding any thing by his Ldship done concerning the
same, this house humbly desires not yett further to Inter-
meddle therewith.
7. As to that part of the said Letter relating to the Laws
of this province We find that two Copies are now written
which will yeild satisfaction as required, and where it men-
tions what alterations shall be made in our Laws be by the
Judgmt or opinion of his Excy it is our opinion that no altera-
tion be made without assent of Assembly.
8. As to the paragraph which relates to a list of Freemen,
Servts &c We find that by his Excys Care orders are already
given to that purpose.
9. Relating to Pirates and Privateers.
Ordered such a bill be prepared for the punishment of such
offenders as may be agreeable to the Constitution of this
10. That paragraph relating to persons Imployd in places
of Trust contrary to the Intent of the Act for preventing frauds
and regulating abuses &c. wherein their Ldships say that the

p. 240

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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