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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 226   View pdf image (33K)
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226 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698.

L. H. J.

The Bill for Explaneing the Cause in the Latter part of the
Act of Assembly Entitled an Act of Assembly for Securing
of Exors and admrs from double paying of Debts and Limitt-
ing the time of payment of bonds and obligations within this
province, was read the second time.
The Bill for Impowering of Mr Wm Coursey of Talbott
County and Eliza his wife and the Survivor of them to sell and
confirme divers Tracts of Land left by Collo Vincent Lowe to
be sold for payment of his Debts.
Upon the Reading of a peticon of Mr Wm Sharp concerning
the payment of ten p Cent for some Servants brought out of
Virginia and Travelling to Pensilvania. The same was en-
It is the opinion of this house that the said servants are not
within the Tenor or pveiwe of that act of assembly if his Excy
shall concurr therewith.
C. Gregory Clk: house of Delegates.

The Comittee of Acco having referred an Acco to them pre-
sented for the payment of the frayming and setting up Gates
in the Towne and port of Wm Stadt It is ordered that for
the same they be allowed the sume of 1800lb Tobo for the
frames the publick and the Gates to be paid for when sett up.
The acco of Mr Thomas Tasker yesterday referred to this
morning was read, and ordered that he be allowed as a Justice
but not as a Councellr

p. 239

Moved by a member of this house and one of the Iustices
of the Provinciall Court that he might be allowed for one day
after the last Court being appointed by the said Court to
Settle the Docquett according to act of Assembly.
Ordered that he be allowed for such his dayes attendance.
The Comittee appointed to Inspect the severall papers his
Excy was pleased to deliver to Mr Speaker at the beginning of
this Sessions and to make report of what they find convenient
and necessary to be answd by this house, bring in their report
which was read, Vizt
Att a Comittee held at the state house the twenty Eight of
October Anno: Dom: 1698. Especially appointed by the
house of Delegates to Inspect Severall Letters and papers
offered by his Excy and Councill for prusall and were appointed.
Capt Richard Hill, Majr Thos Ennalls and Mr Wm Taylard,
who makes their report thereon as followeth.
In a long Letter from the Lords of the Comittee Trade and
plantations bearing date the second day of September 1697.
This comittee have made these observations, on the Severall
papers and Letters therein.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 226   View pdf image (33K)
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