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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 225   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698. 225

Eod. die. The house mett and were called over, and were
present as before.
The honble Collo Henry Courts and Thomas Brooke Esq.
enter the house and present Mr Speaker the following Mes-
sage (vizt)
By his Excy the Govr and Councill,
Octobo the 31st 1698.

The houses Message by Mr Iohn Hamond Mr Staley and
Mr Young brought this day was here recd and read, and his
Excy and this board do approve of the houses Results therein
and hereby express their Satisfaction in that you do proceed
to doe his Matys and the Countrys business the sole end for
which you are now mett and hope in God there will be a good
and speedy conclusion of this sessions.
Signed by order
W Bladen Clk: Councill.

L. H. J.

Capt Richd Hill, Majr Thomas Ennalls and Mr Wm Taylard
being appointed a comittee to examine Severall papers
delivered by his Excyto this house and to make report thereon,
enter the house and present the same.
Ordered that the same be referred till to morrow morning
to a full house.
It is remarked that in the 9th paragraph of the said Comittees
returne Concerning privateers and pirates that for as much as
the said Comittee find it Necessary that a Law should be made
for the punishment of such offenders
Ordered that the said Comittee prepare such Bill for the
punishment of the Same as may be agreeable to the constitu-
tion of this province.
Capt Thos Taskers acco being referred from the comittee of
accos to this house was read.
Ordered that the same be referred to a full house.

Iames Brayes acco being referred from the Comittee to this
house, was read.
Ordered that the Comittee allow him for the two last
articles, and that he be referred to the person that Imployed
him to make Satisfaction for the remaining part of his acco
The house adjournes till to morrow morning Eight of clock.

Dies Martis Novr the 1st 1698.

The house mett and were called over, were absent Capt
Thomas Waughop, Mr Philip Clarke, Mr Geo: Ashman, Mr
Wm Hemsley, Collo Hans Hanson. Was read over what was
done yesterday.


P. 238

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 225   View pdf image (33K)
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