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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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224 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1698.

L. H. J.

edge Severall tracts of Land left by Colo Vincent Lowe to be
sold for the payment of his Debts.
Ordered to be read, and read the first time.
Ordered that Capt Hills excuse be accepted for his nott
being here on Saturday morning when the house were called
Ordered that Mr Walter Lane be upon the Comittee of
Agrievances in the room of Mr Simon Willmore.
A Bill for the Explaneing what bills and obligations were
Intended to be Excepted in the latter part of the Act Entitled
an act for the Securing of Admrs and Exors from double
paying of Debts and Limitting the time of payment of obliga-

p. 237

tions within this province, which was read the first time and
ordered to be read to morrow morning.
Moved by a member of this house whether it may not be
convenient to repeal the Act of Assembly of this province for
laying an Imposition upon Officers.
Resolved that it be referred to the Comittee of Laws to
consider thereof and prepare a bill.
Moved by a member of this house for as much as the
method used in this province for officers fees being upon Exe-
cution agt the bodyes of persons being Indebted to them for
fees is altogether contrary to the Rules of the Comon Law
and practice in England whether it might not be sufficient for
the said officers to have only fieri facias agt the goods of such
Resolved that it be referred to the Comittee of Lawes to
consider thereof.
Major Iohn Hamond and Mr Thomas Staley and Mr Samll
Young are sent with the answer to his Excys proposicons.
Read Iohn Newtons Peticon.
Ordered that he be allowed 20l of Tobacco p day for his
accomodations dureing this sessions of Assembly.
Read Wm Lydalls peticon, Ordered that he be allowed for
so long time as he kept the ferry.
Mr Elisha Hall and Mr Walter Lane came from the Comittee
of agrievances and required of Mr Speaker the Iournall of the
last Comittee of agrievances wnlch he had the last sessions.
Who makes answer that his Excy in his Matys name
comanded him to deliver it up before he went out of Towne.
Ordered that Mr Ffrancis Ienkins, Mr Michll Miller, Mr
Iames Crauford, Mr Iohn Carvile, Col. Ninian Beale, Mr Simon
Willmore and Mr Richd Tilghman be appointed a comittee of
The house adjourns till one of the clock.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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