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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 20-Nov. 12,1698. 223

2. Whether Major Whittington paid the Tobacco of his
Treasrs accco to the Country.
3. That the Comittee inquire into the accompts of the
Treasry and Sherriffes of the Tobacco arising by the Act for
Imposicon upon officers.
4. That the acco of furrs to the free Schools, be extracted

and made apart, and that they review the free Schoole and

give opinion of the worke.
5. That the Comittee compute the charge of the building
and finishing the Court house, that the charge of it may
6. That the Comittee take an acco of what Servants and
negroes have been Imported this year, and from whence the
servants came, being his Excy is to send the acco thereof to
their Ldpp. the Lords of Councill of Trade and plantacons.
Ordered that Major Iohn Hamond, Mr Thomas Staley, Mr
Samll Young Ioyne in Comittee with the honble Thomas Tench
and Iames Frisby Esqr to Inquire into the said accos and to
make their Report accordingly.
Herewith is sent the peticon of the Rangers on Potomacke
under the Comand of Capt Richard Brightwell which is
referred to the consideracon of the house
Signed p order
W Bladen Ck: Councill.

The house has considered of the Peticons of the Rangers
agt Capt Oulton and Capt Richd Brightwell, but for as much
as the petitioners are not present In Towne but will come in
a few dayes it is referred till they come to Towne that they
may better informe this house their peticons being so uncer-
taine and Darke.
Signed p order, Chr Gregory Ck: house of Del:

Ordered that Major Hamond, Mr Thomas Staley and Mr
Samll Young carry the said answers to his Excy and Councill
and Joyne in the aforesaid Comittee.
The house adjournes till Munday Morning Eight of clock.

Dies Lune Octobo 31st 1698.

The house mett, and were called over, and were absent
Capt Thomas Waughop, Mr Philip Clarke, Mr George Ash-
man, Mr Wm Hemsley.
Collo John Thompson brings in the bill which he was
ordered to prepare for the Impowering of Mr Wm Coursey
and Eliza his wife or the Survivor of them to Sell and acknowl-

L. H. J.

p. 236

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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