revived and restored and to all Intents and purposes whatso-
ever put in as full Vigour Strength force and Virtue as if the
said Discontinuance or putting without day of ihe Writes pleas
processes and proceedings aforesaid never had been or hap-
pened and to the end the severall and respective suitors to the
said County Court may have sufficient Intelligence and that
the sevrall persons who were bound by recognizance to Appear
att the said County Court may also have notice of this Act
and that they may keep their duty of makeing their severall
and respective Appearances att the next County Court holden
for the said County by Act of Assembly Be it further Enacted
by the Authority aforesd by and with the Advice and Consent
aforesaid That the Sherriffe of the said County do Imediatly
make proclamation of this Act and the severall matters and
things therein Conteined in the most publicque and Con-
venient places within his County.
An Act for the better Division of St Paules & Shrewsbury
Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Maty by and
with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall Assem-
bly That from and after the tenth day of June Ano Domini