An Act for Enabling Elizabeth Norman Executrix of George
Norman to make over Two Tracts of Land to John Gadsby
and his heirs for ever.
Whereas George Norman late of Baltemore County planter
did in the year of our Lord 1690 Bargain and sell unto John
Gadsby of Ann Arundell County planter Two Tracts of Land
lying and being in Ann Arundell County on the north side of
Seavern River the one Called Hopkins Fancy Conteining one
hundred Acres and the other Called Normans Fancy Con-
teining Twenty five Acres Contiguous and adjoyning one to
the other and had received the full Consideration for the said
Lands being thirteen Thousand Eight hundred pounds of
Tobbacco and is Sufficiently made Appear to this Generall
Assembly But forasmuch as it hath pleased Allmighty God
that the said George Norman is deceased and no Convey-
ances or Assurances thereof made to the said John Gadsby by
the said George Norman as the Law directs yett by the will of
the said George his honest Intent appearing That the said
Two Tracts of Land should be and inure to the sole use and
behoofe of the said John Gadsby his heires & Assignes for
ever altho such sufficient power as the Law requires doth not
seem to be given Elizabeth the widdow and Executrix of the