be reputed and taken as [a] Naturall born Subject of this Pro-
vince and That from henceforth he be Enabled and adjudged
to all Intents and purposes to ask Demand Challenge have
hold and enjoy any Lands Tenements Rents and Heredita-
ments within this province to which he may in any wise be
Intituled as if he were a ffree and naturall borne Subject And
also he shall & may be Enabled to prosecute maintain, avow
Iustify and defend all and all manner of Actions suites pleas
plaints and other Demands whatsoever as liberally Frankly
freely Lawfully and securely as if he had been naturall born
Subject of this Province Provided allway & it is the true
Intent and meaning of this Act That no Franchise Priviledge
or imunity is hereby given unto the said Peter Dowdee which
is any wise Contradictious or repugnant to the late Act of
Parliament made in the Seaventh and Eighth Years of the
reign of our Sovereigne Lord King William the third Intituled
an Act for preventing frauds and Regulating Abuses in the
Plantation Trade And also Provided the said Peter Dowdee
do before some Magistrate of this Province within six months
after the publication of this Act take the oaths appointed by
Act of Parliament instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and
Supremacy and subscribe the Test any Law Statute usage or
Custom to the Contrary in any wise nothwithstanding.