Munday March the 14th 1698.
The Councill again Sate and were prsent His Excy ffrancis
Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll &ca
The honble Colonel Hen: Jowles
Colonel George Robotham
Colonel John Addison
Thomas Brooke Esqr
James ffrisby Esqr
Came Mr William Harris & Mr John Hall who say they were
sent from the house to desire that his honour the Chancellour
would please to administer an Oath to Mr William Bladen
which was accordingly done.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Capt Waughop
and three other Members the ffollowing Message, which was
(Vizt) By the house of Delegates March the 14th 1697/8
This house being well apprized of An Ordinance made at a
Session of Assembly (folio: 49) whereby It was ordained that
publicke & County fferrymen should keep Ordinary without
paying for their Lycences And whereas sevrall psons have
been thereby Encouraged to keep fferys expecting the beneffitt
thereby proposed & designed them we humbly Intreatt your
Exncy that they may not be deprived thereof.
Signd p Ordr W Bladen Cl Dom Del
His Excy is pleased to direct the honble Colonel Robotham
and Colonel Addison to go to the house & command the
Speaker & the whole house in his Majtys name to attend him
in Councill here Immediately.