As to having the Laws put in apter Language the house is
well satisfyed with them and will not resolve to Imploy any
Lawyer to mend them.
Upon reading that part of theire Lordsps the Lords of the
Councill for trade and plantations Letter wherein they seem to
take notice of the deficiency of this province in not having an
agent in England appointed by Act of Assembly as other of
his Majty5 plantations have.
Put to the Question if any such agent shall be appointed or
not and carried in the negative that no such agent be ap-
Resolved that his Maty be addressed upon the happy con-
clusion of the peace.
That as to appointing a day of Thanksgiving for the peace.
Resolved that this house will Solemnize such day of Thanks-
giveing when his Excy the Goverr shall think fitt to appoint the
Resolved that Letters of thanks be written to his Grace the
Lord Archbishop of Canterbury my Ld Bishop of London, Dr
Thomas Bray and Esqre Neale and that the Comittee of Laws
prepare the said Letters.
Also the said Comittee are ordered to draw up an address
of thanks to the Lords of the Councill for Trade and planta-
tions for theire peculiar regard of this province.
Also to his Excys proposall about placeing the Justices of the
provinciall Courts. The house wholy refere the same to his
Excys good likeing as he shall think fitt.
Then came the honble Thomas Tench and Iames Frisby Esqr
and brought down the Bills yesterday sent up and the severall
following Messages. Vizt
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
March 24th 1698.
The houses answer in relation to Mr Masons Letter was
recd and here read, to which his Excy is pleased to say that Mr
Mason has been Severall times sent to and has diverse notices
time enough to have gott all his accts ready, but it appearing
an absolute negligence in the said Mr Mason in not sending
them according to time, this Board do not think him a fitt
person to be continued in that Station of Treasurer and if any
of the Navall officers have not done theire duty his Excy will
take care to displace them.
Signed p order
Hen Denton Ck: Councill.