But the dispute of the Land office is further deferred to the
next Sessions of Assembly.
A Bill ascertaining the divisonall bounds between Ann
Arundell and Baltemore Countys read the Ist & 2d time and
A Bill Impowcring Elizabeth Nurman widdow Executrix Of
George Norman decd to make over two Tracts of Land to
John Gadesby, read Ist & 2d time and passed and sent by Mr
Harris, the other Gentlemen with the address.
House adjourned till to morrow Morning 7 Clock att the
Speakers Chamber.
Saturday March the 26th 1698.
House mett and Called over, absent, Mr Crauford and Mr
Ienkins. Then read over what was done yesterday.
The Iournall of the Comittee of Accompts read. Severall
remarques by his Excy the Governour and his Matys honble
Councill upon the Resolves of this house upon their proposalls
taken into consideration, and debated and resolved on as
And first that a Law shall be made directing how controver-
cies shall be decieded between Masters and Servants and
Servants and Masts
Resolved the Comittee of Laws draw up a bill therefore.
Whereas the proposalls relating to ordinary keepers and
secureing of Letters brought in by masters of Ships are mat-
ters of great consequences, the house is desired to send some
of there members to confer with the members of the Honble
Resolved that Major Hammond, Mr Willmer, Mr Elisha
Hall, Mr Benj. Hal], Mr Ashman, Mr Collins, Mr Saunders and
Mr William Hutchison go and attend their Majts Councill upon
the said Conference and that Mr Hutchison and Mr Saunders
go and know what time the said conference shall be held.
As to the proposall or Recomendation that what grievances
are received from severall parts of the County his Ex.cy and the
honble his Matys Councill expect to see and pruse that Comit-
tee Journall as also the Journall of the house of delegates.
What grievances we have received are comunicated from
our severall Electors to us and are referred to our discretion,
which we have already in parte represented.