cerning the Indians affaires was recd and here read, to which
this board can give no answer att present, unless the house
has sygnifyed theire opinion upon the Comittees Reporte re-
lating to that matter. Signed by order
Hen: Denton Clk: Councill.
Upon reading of the above message ordered that the
houses Resolves upon the Reporte of that Comittee be
transmitted to the Honble his Matys Councill.
By his Excy the Gover and Councell in Assembly
March the 25th 1698.
The address of the house this day sent by Mr Harris and
others representing some grievances &c this Board require
that all other matters of that nature lying before you may be
sent up hither that a proper answer may in due order be given
to part of a Message from this board for transmitting hither
the Comittee of agrievances Iournall neither have you sent any
maner of answer to severall other matters proposed
Signed p order
Hen. Denton Clk Councill.
In answer to which Message Resolved the following Mes-
sage be sent to his Matys honble Councill.
By the house of Delegates March the 26th 1698.
In answer to his Excy Message about agrievances this house
do say that they have nothing more of that nature before
them att present, an answer to the former proposall as to that
matter being likewise herewith sent as to the transmitting the
Iournall of that comittee to your Board we conceive it never
to have been practiced therefore desire to be excused therein.
Signed p order
W Bladen Clk: house Del:
In answer to the Message about Mr Mason.
By the house of Delegates March 26. 1698.
The house are sufficiently Satisfyed with the Integrity of
Mr Mason publick Treasurer of the Westerne Shoar and
cannot consent to the displacing of him.
Signed p order
W Bladen Clk: house Del: