This house do not see any necessity for making such a Law
being well Satisfyed that Servants have always had Justice
done them by way of petition. Upon proposall whether the
practice of sending out veneire facias by the Clk: of Indict-
ments agt Severall that have bastards being too chargeable
and dilatory, whether it may not be convenient to have a more
expeditious way if possible found out.
Referred to the Comittee of Laws to draw up a bill for
remedy thereof. It being recomended that some means or
other be used to restreyne the refractoriness of Seamen.
Thought that the Laws of England and of this province
have sufficiently provided therefore.
Upon proposall that care be taken about regulating of
ordinaryes and that none be suffered except such as will
comply with the Law.
This house dos think it absolutely necessarily that ordinary's
be kept att Severall places in the Severall Countys altho' the
persons desireing to keep the same be not Capable of Com-
plying with the Act now in force, for That some people by
reason of the situation of theire houses so near the Roads are
so pressed by coasters and Travellers Expecting free quarters
that they are not that able to keep theire houses open without
keeping ordinary. And for that by ordinarys kept in such
places by such persons tho' indifferently qualifyed private
houses are not so over much burthened by Strangers and
That some ordinance be made for the Better secureing all
Lres brought in by Mrs of Ships.
The house conceive it will be in vaine to make such ordi-
nance agt the Masters of Ships because they take in and bring
such letters upon Courtesey and under no compulsion in
That some better care be taken about Orphans. The Laws
already made have sufficiently provided that Encouragements
be given to Coopers and Carpenters. Theire wages is con-
ceived to be sufficient encouragement. That there be certaine
forme of oaths prescribed to be taken by the Severall officers
within this province and charge for the Grand Juryes.
Referred to the Comittee of Laws to Enquire and make
reporte to the house therein.
House adjourned till 7 of the clock to Morrow Morning att
Colonel Robathams Chamber.
Wensday March the 23d 1697/8.
The house being mett was called over. Then read what
was done Yesterday.