Whereupon the house Resolved themselves into a Grand
Comittee of the whole house to debate whether the old Law
for regulating the Militia shall be altered and a Law made for
new modelizing the same or not? and Choose Mr Philip
Clarke Chairman.
The Comittee adjourned to the house, and Mr Speaker
having taken the chair, Mr Clarke reports that the Comittee
do unanimously agree that the old Law stands as it is without
any maner of Alteration.
Whereupon the following Message is sent to his Excy and
his Matys honble Councill &c.
By the house of Delegates March the 22nd 1697/8.
In answer to the Message sent by the honble Col: Robotham
and Thomas Tench Esq. desireing this house to appoint some
of the members to Joine with some Gentlemen, of his Matys
honble Councill to Consider of drawing up a Bill for the better
regulating the Militia of this province, the house being
resolved in to a grand Comittee upon mature debate have
unanimously resolved that the old Law stand as it is without
any maner of Alteration.
Sent by Major Hamond, Mr Ben: Hall, Mr Saunders, Mr
Young Mr Crauford, Mr Harris, Mr Campbell, Mr Whittington,
Mr Cavile and Mr Elisha Hall.
House adjourned for an hour.
Post Merediem House met.
A Bill empowering the Comissioners of the County Courts
to raise and leavy money for defraying the necessary charges
of theire Countys, read the first and second time and passed.
A Bill for better dividing and laying out of St Paules &
Shrewsburys parishes read the 2d time and passed.
The aforesaid two Bills and the bill for the stay of Execu-
tions after the 10th day of May yearly. Sent by Major
Hamond and others, Members; to his Matys honble Councill
Referred to the Comittee of Laws, to consider of the Law
for assertaining the Sallary of his Matys honble Councill.
Mr Masons Letter and account of the publick Treasury of
Money and Tobaccoe in his hands read.
Ordered, that the said Mr Mason make a more full and
perfect account and sweare to the same agt next sessions, or
agt October next.
Committee of Laws sent out.
It being proposed by his Excy the Governour in Councill
that a Law should be made for an Easy and expeditious way
of decideing differences between Masters and Servants.