102 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 10, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698.
The Resolves of this house upon his Excys proposalls con-
sidered yesterday read and sent to the Councill, by Mr Hutchi-
son and Mr Beale. Resolved that the clarke of this house
give notice to the honble Sr Thomas Laurence Barrt his Matys
p. 181
Secretary of this province and to Mr Charles Carroll Clk:
of his Lordsip' Land office to attend the house on Friday in
the after noon in order to satisfy them how they both demand
fees for patents.
His Excys proposalls being taken into further Consideration
That there be no Ordinaries kept in the Court houses where
the Records are Kept Especially Talbot and Somersett
Countys Court houses and that there be a brick chimny to
each Court house if any at all. And that the said houses be
railed in and no other houses suffered to adjoine to them.
That there be better prisons if possible near the Court houses
at least to have a cage therewith a whipping post and pillory
that some man be agreed with to keep Each house for fear
of fire.
Upon enquiery the house do find that in St Mary's County
they haveing the use of the old Stadt house the Records are
there kept.
That in Kent County there is no Ordinary near the Court
house, it is built with a wooden Chimney and the Records are
Generally kept att the Clerks house unless in Court times.
The records of Ann Arundell County Court are Lodged in
the Stadt house att Annapolis, and the County Courts are
kept in that house
The records of Calvert County are kept in a very good
Court house and distance enough from any other houses in
which no ordinaryes are Kept nor is there any chimney.
The Records of Charles County are kept att the Clk: house
and there is no ordinary kept in the Court house.
The Comrs of Baltemore County have built a small Room
att a little distance from the Court house where the Records
are to kept in the Court house is a wooden Chimney but no
ordinary within four hundred yards of it.
Talbott County Court house cost a very considerable sufne
of Tobba and the keeping of an Ordinary therein cannot be
avoided. It is most conveniently seated in the center of the
said County to the Generall Satisfaction of the county and in
yearly a considerable Rent.
The Records are kept there att present but the county will
be willing to build a little house conveniently to lodge the
Records in (wherein shall be no fire place) at some small dis-
tance from the said court house, but canot consent that no
ordinary should be kept therein.