Tuesday March the 22d 1697/8.
House mett, and Called over. Read what was done Yester-
Then Came the Honble Col: Iowles and brought down the
Bills yesterday sent up, with remarques thereon Severall Lres
and some proposalls from his Excy the Govr in Councill to
this house.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
March 22nd 1697/8.
The Message by Mr Miller and three others of the houses
Members this day sent was recd and here read and this
board being willing to answer the house's Request in deferring
the conference abt the Indians for a day or two longer, but
withall to Signifye that there are Severall other matters which
will be then also necessary to be considered.
Signed p order. Hen: Denton Clk: Councill.
Whereupon Resolved the thanks of this house be given his
Excy for his kindness in deferring the said Conferrence.
And the following Message is sent &c:
By the House of Delegates March the 22d 1697/8.
Your Excy's pleasure by the honble Col: Henry Iowles Chan-
cellor, for deferring the conference abt the Indians for a day
or two longer, we have received, for which especiall favour of
your Excys to this house, we give you our most humble and
hearty thanks.
Signed p order. W Bladen Ck: house Del:
Sent p Dr Lockerman, Mr Whittington, Mr Lloyd, Mr
Campbell, Mr Lane, Mr Beale, who returne and say they have
delivered theire Message.
Message by the honble George Robotham.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly,
March the 22d 1697/8.
This Board having appointed Col: George Robotham. Tho:
Tench Esqr Col. Charles Hutchins and Col: Io: Addison as a
comittee for considering abt the drawing up a bill for the better
regulating of the Militia within this province, do desire the