C. C.
would excite the Vigilance and Activity of the Officers and
Men, we promised to mention it to the Assembly and request
that the Part of the Prizes which might otherwise belong to
the Public, may be distributable amongst them and we wish
Gent that you would give that further Encouragement. We
inclose the Instructions intended to be given to Commodore
Grason and hope they will meet with your Approbation, but
if this Disposition of the Gallies should not be approved, we
shall be happy in having your Advice time enough to counter-
mand them T. J.
Genl Assembly
C. B.
Wednesday 10th March 1779.
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
Alexander Trueman of the sixth Maryland Regiment in the
Contl Service, One hundred and Fifty Pounds due him per
Resolve of the General Assembly.
That the said Treasurer pay to Abraham Faw, One thousand,
One hundred and forty two Pounds, Eleven shillings and One
Penny due him on Account of Building the Barracks, One
hundred and forty five Pounds, seven Shillings and Eight
Pence, and also the further sum of Sixteen Pounds, two Shil-
lings and six Pence due him for Purchasing Cloathing per
Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Wilson, seven
Pounds one shilling & six Pence for the Use of Abraham
Clark p Acct passed by the Audr Genl
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Peter
Chaille Four hundred Pounds twelve Shillings due him for
Provisions p Acct passed by the Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to John Crysall One hundred
and sixty nine Pounds for Beef purchased of William Yieldall
p Acct passed by A. Gl
By and with the Advice of the Council, Pardon was granted
to Timothy Madden convicted of Hyway Robery, on Condition
that he enlist to serve & continue in the Continental Service