C. C.
of it has been taken for the use of the Continent, that after-
wards you returned the Key to Mr Welsh who has sold out
what remained to the needy Inhabitants and that both Mr
Griest and Mr Welsh are to be bound over on Account of this
Matter to the General Court. We do not know whether the
Fact is as represented or not that is, whether the Corn seized
is Part of that purchased for the Use of the State but we pre-
sume, if the Fact is so and you have any Doubt of the Truth
of it, it may be easily proved; and if the Fact is so, we think
this Corn was not within the Ingrossing Act, nor was there
any Necessity it should have been an Object of it. The Pur-
chases made by either Continental or State Agents for the
Public Use, is declared not to be ingrossing and by the Act,
those Things only which are ingrossed are Seizable. The
State indeed had no particular Use for the Corn in its
Situation and, had it been proposed to us, we should have
directed the Sale of it much in the Manner it is represented
to have been done or if its being there had been mentioned
to us and your Desire to have it, we should have ordered it
into your Hands, either Application would have been agree-
able to us. If you have no Doubt of the Corn belonging to
the State, or Mr Griest should prove it satisfactorily, we
apprehend there will not need any Trouble about it, but that
you'll pay the Price you generally give for that Part of the
Corn you have had for the Continent, and Mr Griest will give
the State Credit for it; and if the Iustices should be of
Opinion they must bind Mr Griest and Mr Welsh over, the
Prosecution may be stopped by the Government
We are &ca
James Calhoun Esqr
C. B.
Wednesday 27. January 1779
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Aquila
Paca nine Pounds, ten shillings, and also the further sum of
Twenty Pounds, five shillings to be delivered over to Alexan-
der McComas p Acct passed by the Prinl Cl. to the Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Absalom Ridgely Twelve
Pounds due him per Acct passed by the Prinl Cl. to the Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Colo Samuel Smith,
seventeen Pounds, eight shillings Bal. of Acct passed by the
Auditor Genl
Whereas it Appears to this Board by the Oath of a credible