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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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274 Journal and Correspondence

C. B.

One hundred and fifty Pounds for the Use of and to be de-
livered over to Lieut. James Bruff of the 6th Regiment and
One hundred and fifty Pounds for the Use of and to be
delivered over to Lieut. John Smith of the 6th Regiment the
allowance to the Officers by the late Act of Assembly

Monday 4th January 1779

Present as on Saturday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut.
Edward Gale Twenty eight thousand Pounds to be delivered
over to Major John Howard at Baltimore Town by him to be
delivered to General Smallwood Twenty four thousand Pounds
whereof to be issued and applied towards the Payment of the
hundred and fifty Pounds allowed to each Officer of the Mary-
land Troops in the Continental Service by Resolve of the
General Assembly and the remaining four thousand Pounds
to be issued and applied in the Payment of the State Bounty
to 9 Month's Men who reinlist according to the Act of

C. C.

[Council to Smallwood.]

In Council Annapolis 4th Jany 1779
We inclose you a Copy of our Letter of the 18th of last
Month and also of the Resolution and Clause of the Act of
Assembly mentioned to be sent therewith. Immediately after
writing our former Letter, the Weather sat in so severe that
all Intercourse with the Head of the Bay was stopped, which
prevented our sending the Blankets and other Articles of
Clothing, as we intended; they shall however be sent as soon
as they can with any prospect of getting them forward. We
send Lieut Gale with twenty eight thousand Pounds to be de-
livered to Majr Howard in Baltimore where we hear he and
several other Officers and Men are who came down as an
Escort to the Convention Troops, expecting that he will take
Charge of and deliver it to you, 24,000£ of which we have sent
for the Purpose of your issuing 150£ to each Officer agreable
to the Resolution of the Assembly and the other £4000, to pay
the forty Dollars Bounty to such of the nine Months Men as
have inlisted or may inlist, agreable to the Act.
We shall be obliged to you for a Line acknowleging the
Receipt of this and the Money; we have paid the £150 to
Capt Thomas Landsdale of the 4th and Lieuts James Bruff and
John Smith of the 6th
We are &ca
General Smallwood

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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