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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 273   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 273

and further that the Governor and Council wished you to
state your Claim to the Assembly who alone can properly
make such Allowances, without a previous Provision
We are &ca
Majr Nathl Smith.

Friday 25 December 1778

Commission of a Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to
Thomas Johnson Commander of the Schooner Dragon, Forty
Tons burthen, mounting 2 Carriage Guns, 2 Swivels and 7
small Arms, belonging to Hugh Young & others Balt.

Thursday 31. December 1778

Pr James Brice, Edward Lloyd & James Hindman Esquires
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Elie Val-
lette Fifty Pounds, seven shillings & seven Pence per Acct
passed by the Aud. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Bennett Matthews
One hundred and Fifty Pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Nevin seven Pounds
ten Shillings p Accot passed by the Prinl Cl. to the Aud. Gl

C. C.

Friday Ist January 1779

Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the Commanding Officer at the Fort deliver
to Mr Joseph Eastman 1 1/2 Tons Pig Iron to be returned or
paid for

Saturday 2d January 1779

Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Shaw
Three Pounds, fifteen shillings and one penny half penny for
the use of Willis Newton and also the further Sum of Ninteen
Pounds one shilling for the Use of Thomas Logan & Compy
p Accounts passed by the Prinl Cl. to the Aud. Genl for
Guards over British Prisoners
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to John Shaw
Thirty two Sheets Tin
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
Thomas Lansdale of the 4th Maryland Regiment of Continen-
tal Troops One hundred and fifty Pounds for his own Use,


C. K.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 273   View pdf image (33K)
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