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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 272   View pdf image (33K)
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272 Journal and Correspondence


Whether the Gallies from Virginia will be in readiness at
the time expected we cannot certainly determine, but have
some Reason to believe they will not.
The Resolutions referred to the Marine Committee have
not as yet been reported on, as soon as their determinations
are known we shall take the earliest opportunity of communi-
cating them to you.
We were yesterday informed by the Minister of France,
that he had received the Resolves of the General Assembly
respecting the Confederation. We have not seen them, nor
do we know their Contents — Those Resolutions and all others
of the last Session which your Excellency may deem of a
public nature, and necessary for us to know, we should be
happy in having communicated to us.
We are with the highest respect and Esteem
Your obedient and very hble Servts
John Henry Junr
Wm Carmichael

C. B.

Thursday 24 December 1778

Present as on Yesterday except Danl Carroll Esquire
Pardon granted to Negro Joe, Slave of Jeremiah Nichols of
Caroline County for Felony
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James
Brice Esqr Ninty nine Pounds for his Attendance in Council

33 Days
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert
Reith, Fourteen Pounds, Eleven Shillings & Eight Pence for
1 Months Salary due the 23d Inst, and also the further Sum of
Eleven Pounds, Eighteen Shillings for the Additional Allow-
ance from the Commencement of the last Session of the
Genl Assembly
That the said Treasurer pay to William Logan Twenty five
Pounds per Acct passed by the Prinl Cl. to the Aud. Gl

C. C.

p. 212

[Council to N. Smith.]

In Council Annapolis 24th Decr 1778
We just now received your Letter of the 22d There can-
not be a Vendue of the Iron, we wish you to sell it as fast as
you can, at private Sale. The Matter of an Allowance for your
keeping an Horse, was mentioned long since to the Council and
it was then thought we could not, with Propriety, make it and
we believe you were either verbally or by Letter, so informed

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 272   View pdf image (33K)
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