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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 259

Frederick, and have sent an Express to Colo Beatty to provide
it and Carriage for the Baggage &ca but the Troops may be
in your Neighbourhood before Things can possibly be disposed
in Order; wherefore we request you to exert yourself to prevent
as far as possible any Delay. We have ordered 150 Stand of
Arms up from Baltimore with 20 Cartridges for each, to you,
but fear they'll be too late. After they have answered the
Service, if they get up in Time, or if not, as soon as you
receive them be pleased to have them carefully lodged with
the other Public Arms in Frederick Town
We are &ca
Colo Normand Bruce

C. C.

Saturday 5th December 1778

Present as on yesterday except Edward Lloyd Esqr
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John
Veazey Thirty nine [Pounds] for the use of William Gold
allowed on his Petition to the General Assembly and passed
by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Ridgely Junr Twenty
three Pounds two Shillings and Eight pence for the use of
Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer per Acct passed by the Aud.
Coms of Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to Thomas
Moore Commander of the Brig Columbus mountg 12 Car.
Guns belongg to Saml & Robt Purviance & Co of Baltimore
Commissions of the Peace and Orphans Court issued to
Baltimore County, as on the 20 Novemr last with an Addition
of Abraham Vanbibber to the Como of the Peace
Ordered that the Western shore Treasurer pay to George
Plater Esqr Eighteen Pounds Balance of Acct passed by the
Aud. Genl

Monday 7th December 1778

Present as on Saturday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James
Brice Esqr Forty two Pounds, five shillings and ten pence due
him per Acct passed by the A G
That the said Treasurer pay to Charles Wallace Esqr one
thousand Pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Jackson Two hundred
and twenty nine Pounds, fourteen shillings and three pence
for the use of Henry Jackson & Co per Acct passed by the
Aud. Genl

C. B.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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