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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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258 Journal and Correspondence

C. C.

p. 205

[Council to G. Keeports.]

In Council Annapolis 4th Decr 1778
We have just now received a Requisition for a Guard over
the Convention Troops in their Way through Frederick. We
are apprehensive that there are not Public Arms sufficient in
that County, wherefore we wish you to have packed up in
Cases and sent forward to Colo Normand Bruce in a Waggon
150 good muskets fix'd with Bayonets, with twenty suitable
Cartridges for each Musket. We cannot direct, but we request
you to expedite this Business and that if a Waggon cannot
be otherwise procured, one be immediately pressed
We are &ca
Capt Geo. Keeports.

p. 206

[Council to C. Beatty.]

In Council Annapolis 4th Decr 1778
We have just received a Letter from the Board of War,
with a Copy of General Washingtons desiring a Guard of
about 500 Militia and a supply of Waggons for the Convention
Troops through Frederick County on their way to Virginia.
We are afraid that from the Delay of these Letters you will
not have time to adjust the Business to your own Satisfaction
or as we could wish
We imagine the Pennsylvania Militia will expect to be
discharged at the Line and ours seem to be expected by
General Washington to attend them no farther than across
Potowmack. We wish you to get at least 500 of the Militia
equipped and ready, if possible to go on Guard at the Pennysl-
vania Line and to keep up that Number, 'til a Guard is fur-
nished by Virginia. Not knowing the Number of Public Arms
in Frederick, but supposing they are not sufficient, we have
sent Orders to Baltimore to forward 150 Stand to Colo Bruce,
but no Reliance can be had on their getting up in Time, so
that we would have the Militia who have Arms to take them
with them. We are &ca
Colo Charles Beatty.

[Council to N. Bruce.]

In Council Annapolis 4th Decr 1778
We have just now received Letters desiring a Guard of
about 500 Men over Burgoyns Troops in their way through

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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