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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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236 Journal and Correspondence


with him for that sum and I have understood that Garretson
performed the Service much to Colo Lux's satisfaction who
commanded the Battalion which marched from Baltimore
William Moore I have been informed appealed and was
discharged by the Court, wherefore John Botts received
though he well deserved and much wants his Substitute Money.
Capt. Wilkinson has been distrained for the £150 and has
also appealed, the appeal as Capt Garretson informs me is not
yet determined. I flatter myself that the circumstances of
these cases will sufficiently recommend them and that as the
Public receives a considerable Ballance for Substitute Money
the real services of these Men will not go unrewarded
12 Novemr 1778 Th. Johnson

[Indorsed] Read and referred to the Consideration of Mr.
Buff, Mr. Maddux, and Mr. Hanson who are appointed a Com.
to inquire into the same & Report their opinion thereo.n.

[Garretson to Johnson.]

11th No vember 1778
Last year when the Fleet came up I received orders to
March my Company to Baltimore immediately which I did,
and all the other officers of Colonell Luxe's Regiment did so
likewise; and we were then threw into Eight classes and as
several of the Commissions issued in one day it was hard to
know the rank of the different companies. The Colonel then
applyed to the Council for their instructions how to proceed,
and as he informed me and the Rest of his Officers they
thought it best for the whole of them to draw for their Rank,
which the Captains readily agreed. It was done, and it fell to
Captain John Standiford to go in the first class, and Captain
William Wilkinson to go in the second, who in a day or two
refused to go at any rate; immediately the Officers and Men
that fell into that Rank refused to March with any of the other
officers in the Battallion unless I would go with them; the
Colonel then applied to me to take charge of the Company,
and as I thought it would not do to let the Countries Cause
suffer if I could be of service, I agreed to go if Mr. William
Wilkinson would give me one hundred and Fifty Pounds.
The Colonel then came with me to your Excellency and it was
agreed that I should have the aforesaid sum if I would perform
the duty that Mr. Wilkinson was to do, all which I have done
as far as lay in my power. A warrant issued to the Sheriff,

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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