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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 235

become unfit for use and to return an Account of such Sale
and he has also further informed this Board that he is prom-
ised the refusal of about two thousand weight of Musket Balls
he is requested to purchase them for the Public Use if they
can be got under or for six shillings p Pound.

C. B.

[Council to Luther Martin.]

In Council Annapolis 12th Novr 1778
Capt. Keeports informs us of Samuel Gerock's who was
lately in the Service of the State, having obtained from him
eleven Barrels of the Public Powder, under an Assertion that
Major Smith desired it & would if he was not just going off
for Annapolis, have given him a writtten Order. From sev-
eral Circumstances we are induced to believe that Mr Gerrock
has behaved with very great Impropriety & we request that
unless the Powder is immediately returned on Capt Keeport's
Demand or the Value paid to his Satisfaction, that you'll bring
suit for the State against Mr Gerrock.
We are &ca
Luther Martin Esqr
Attorney General

C. C.

p. 207

[Gov. Johnson to Council]
I beg leave to lay before you the inclosed Letter from Capt
Job Garretson of Colo Darby Lux's Battalion of Militia in Bal-
timore County and his Certificate of the Service of John Betts
who was hired as a Substitute in the stead of William Moore
enrolled as a private in Colo Moale's Battalion
When the Enemy came up the Bay in August 1777, the
Militia in Baltimore County were not classed agreeable to the
Act of Assembly; it was thought absolutely necessary that a
considerable Body should be marched with all expedition. It
was proposed that the officers should ballot for the number
required to march and Capt. Wilkinson as I was then informed
personally agreed to the mode and actually drew for himself
notwithstanding which he refused to march. I therefore
advised a Substitute should be hired in his stead, and being
informed that the Company which was to have been com-
manded by Capt. Wilkinson would willingly march under Capt.
Garretson and no other Capt, and that Capt. Garretson would
go for £150 and nothing less, I advised Colo Lux to agree


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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