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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 233   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 233

That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore pay to Colo George
Dashiell sixteen pounds for the use of John Stewart, one
Pound ten Shillings for the use of Joseph Venables Twenty
four pounds nine Shillings for the use of George Wilson &
Josiah Dashiell Ten Pounds five Shillings and four pence for
the use of Thomas Irving, one pound fifteen Shillings & six
for the use of Elijah Tull, sixteen pounds, three shillings and
nine pence and sixteen pounds five shillings and nine pence for
the use of Cap. John Williams, Twenty one pounds twelve
shillings and nine pence and the further sum of one hundred
and thirty five pounds, fourteen shillings and five pence due
himself per Accts passed by the Aud. General and Copy of the
following Certa annexed to Colo Dashiells Account.
I hereby certify that Colo George Dashiell has returned an
Order of Council of the 21 April 1778 for £861 ..8.. 6
being in part of the above Commission the same not being
paid by the Western shore Treasurer which Order is now
brought to the Treasurers Debit the same being heretofore
passed to his Credit.
Zeph Turner Aud. Genl

Commission of a Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to
Thomas Steel Commander of the Sloop Irish Gimblet mount-
ing 4 Carriage Guns 2 Swivels and 6 small Arms, burthen 50
Tons belonging to John McLure and Thomas Russel of
On 2d Monday of November being the 9th Day of the same
Month the General Assembly of Maryland agreeable to the
Constitution and Form of Government Proceeded to the choice
of a Governor when Thomas Johnson Esquire was rechosen,
His Excellency Qualified the same Day in Presence of both
Houses by taking the several Oaths required.
On the Day following being the 10th Day of November the
Senate and House of Delegates proceeded to the Choice of
the Council to the Governor and rechose Thomas Sim Lee,
James Brice, Daniel Carroll, Edward Lloyd and James Hind-
man Esquires.

Thursday 12th November 1778.

James Brice, Daniel Carroll, Edward Lloyd and James
Hindman Esquires Attended and severally Qualified by mak-
ing a Declaration of their Belief in the Christian Religion and
taking repeating and Subscribing the several Oaths required
and Certificates filed.
Thomas Johnson Junr was appointed Clerk to the Council
and Qualified by taking, repeating and subscribing the several

C. B.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 233   View pdf image (33K)
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