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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 231

[Council to S. Gerrock.]

In Council Annapolis 5th Novr 1778
Major Smith mentions to us his Removal of the Sick be-
longing to the Matross Company, from the Town to the Fort
which we approve of and intend the Hospital shall be kept
there for the future. We have appointed Lieut Samuel Sad-
dler to provide for the Hospital, to whom you will be pleased
to deliver every Thing belonging to the Public which was pro-
vided for the Hospital and remains under your Care.
Mr Saml Gerrock We are &ca

[Council to Donaldson and others.]

In Council Annapolis 13th Novr 1 778
We send you by Mr Letherbury £,1500 which we request
you'll lay out in the Purchase of Pork for the Use of this State :
we wish you to make the Purchase as soon as may be. If
you should have an Opportunity of laying out a further Sum,
we request you'll do so, to double the Quantity, which the Money
sent will buy. Salt shall be sent you in Time and more Money,
if necessary. We hope the Pork will not exceed 20 Dollars a
Hundred; if the best in Quality and in pretty large Quantities
can be got for that we would have you agree. We shall be
glad to receive a Line from you soon, advising us of your
Colo Donaldson Yeates and We are &ca
Mr John Bolton, Separately

P. S. to Colo Yeates
Be pleased to let us know if there is any Quantity of your
last Year's Purchase in your Possession or whether you have
delivered it to the Continental Agent at Elk, in Consequence
of our Letters and transmit us an Account of your Purchases
that they may be settled as soon as possible.

C. C.

p. 202

Friday 6 November 1778

Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo
Benjamin Nicholson Twenty pounds, fourteen shillings and six
pence for the use of Zebulon Headington, one hundred and
seventy nine pounds, seventeen shillings & eleven pence for

C. B.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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