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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 230   View pdf image (33K)
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230 Journal and Correspondence

C. B.

That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Schnebely Twenty
five pounds ten shillings for the use of Jacob Ott per Acct
passed by the Aud. Genl
Lieut Samuel Sadler is appointed Quarter Master to the
Hospital in Baltimore formerly kept in Baltimore Town, now
ordered to be kept in the Fort at Whetstone Point

C. C.

p. 201

[Council to N. Smith.]

In Council Annapolis 5th Novr 1778
We would not have you vendue the Chain, 'til the Act
against Vendues expires, which will be with the End of the
present Session of Assembly. If in the mean Time you
should have an Opportunity of selling any Part of it at private
Sale, for the selling Price or nearly the selling Price of Bar
Iron at Baltimore, we wish you to sell at private Sale. We
are sorry you did not mention to us the Article of Wood be-
fore; it is certainly prudent to lay in soon as much as will serve
well into March, we suppose about 150 Cords will do 'til that
Time or, if the Winter is moderate, longer. Your Wood lying
so near the Fort, will make it more convenient to the Public
and yourself to contract for 150 Cords with you at once; we
are willing to give you £ 5.10. a Cord for that Quantity to be
delivered at the Fort at such Times as best suit you, so that
the Supply is kept up. It appears to us that three Feet a
week for six Men, is not extravag' moderate or very cold
Weather will make a Difference which we wish should be
attendedto; we wish to avoid Waste and are equally desirous the
Men should bekept comfortable: there must necessarily be some
Latitude given to the Officers who are on the Spot and we
hope for their Care and Discretion. We much approve your
Removal of the Hospital and the good Effect it has had ought to
silence all Objections; we would have the Sick continued at
the Point, unless Circumstances should hereafter make it pru-
dent to remove them. It is for the Sake of the Sick only that
we employ a Doctor, Quartermaster or Nurse, the Doctor
must attend his Duty, or we must get another.
Lieut Saddler is much more conveniently situated than Mr
Gerrock and therefore we have appointed him. We don't
imagine any Pay will be expected for a Nurse in Town, when
there was no Sick there; the Woman you have employed and
who has done a real public Service, ought to be paid by the
Majr Nathl Smith We are Sir &ca

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 230   View pdf image (33K)
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