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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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224 Journal and Correspondence

C. C.

p. 200

[Circular to Lieutenants]

Circular. In Council Annapolis 25th Octr 1778

You have with this a Copy of a Letter recd last Night from

Mr Henry and its Inclosure. However wild a Scheme of land-
ing a Number of Tories to march through a considerable Ex-
tent of Country, may be, our Enemies may possibly be induced
to embrace it from an Expectation of their being joined by a
very great Part of the Inhabitants, and therefore it will be well
to place Things on such a Footing that they may not profit
from the Surprize which is generally occasioned by Invasions.
From further Intelligence of a considerable Part of the British
Army embarking, as supposed, for Boston, it is not likely that
the Tories will be supported by any considerable Regular
Force. If the Project should be attempted, you are to call forth
the Militia of your County without waiting for further Orders,
sending an Express to us with the earliest Intelligence. It is
likely if this Expedition is really concerted, many Tories will be
travelling through the Country to sound the Inhabitants and
collect and give Information; wherefore it will be well for you
and the Magistrates to prevent suspicious People passing at
this Time. Every Thing which can be done here, may be relied
on and, if those who are really disaffected to the Cause of
America are impressed that the Hope of Plunder is the Induce-
ment, as it seems to be acknowleged at New York, for this
wicked Undertaking, we cannot imagine that any considerable
Number will Join, as, on Success the Value of the Plunder will,
as usual, be much more regarded than to whom it belongs
We are &ca
To the Lieuts of the Counties
on the Eastern shore

C. B.

Monday 26th October 1778

Present as on Saturday except Thos Sim Lee Esqr
Commission of a Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to
Solomon Frazier Master of the Schooner Dorchester mount-
ing 1 Carriage Gun 2Howitz and 4 small Arms, navigated by
10 Men, belonging to James Byus, Arthur Wheatly and Wil-
liam Thomas & Co Dorchester County
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Richard
Sprigg one hundred and seventy three pounds, sixteen shil-
lings & nine pence to be delivered over to Thomas Jones per
Accf passed by the Prinl Cl. to the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Com. Thomas Grason Twelve
Pounds for the use of Solo Start and sixty seven Pounds ten

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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