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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 223

[Smallwood to Gov. Johnson]

Camp New Hackensack Oct. 24th 1778
Dear Sir
At the time I wrote you on the 26th September I was led to
suppose that the Eight Thousand Dollars advanced by General
Washington was intended to pay the State Bounty of Forty
Dollars, to such of the nine months men, as might inlist in
Consequence of my Application on that head, as he did not
at that time point out any other mode of Applying it, but since
I have recd his instructions to apply it to the Payment of the
Continental Bounty, and I have now no expectations of obtain-
ing a Sum from that Quarter for this purpose, which induces
me to embrace this opportunity by Colo Richardson of request-
ing that you would as early as possible provide and transmit
a Sum for this purpose, which with the Continental Bounty,
would induce many of these men to enter, who otherwise may
be lost to the State, the Supply of Cloathing promised by the
State might obviate another Objection. We cannot with pro-
priety furnish such of these men who decline inlisting, with
continental Cloathing, and leave such of the Soldiery who are
engaged for three years and during the War destitute, tho' as
an encouragement all those who inlist are immediately supplied
with a good suit, and the old Soldiery wait the arrival of more
Ample Supplies which Genl Washington assures me are on the
road from the Eastward; it would therefore be well for the
State to avoid procuring the deficient Cloathing (except
Blanketts) enumerated in my late returns transmitted on the
26th Septemr as the prospect of a General and Ample Supply
for the Soldiery is flattering and I am told certain, but it is
probable our officers will want Cloathing much, and I do not
understand Supplies for Officers are expected, they will there-
fore wish a Supply from the State. I should be glad of your
direction respecting the Inlistment of the nine months men,
how far I might engage, and at what time their State Bounty
and Cloathing could be delivered, and whether the Officer in-
listing them is to receive the Allowance of Sixteen Dollars for
each as limitted by the late Act of Assembly. Such as have
inlisted I have engaged should receive forty Dollars from the
State and Twenty from the Continent with the Allowance of a
Suit of Cloaths immediately and the Allowance to the officers
who inlist them is conditional or what the State may direct
For news respecting our Military Operations I refer you
Colo Richardson, & have the Honor to remain with sincere
regard Dr Sir
Your very Obdt Hble Servt
W. Smallwood
Governor Johnson


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 223   View pdf image (33K)
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